Maslen & Mehra’s collaboration began at the turn of the millennium, from where their work has captured and presented the hopes and fears of this century thus far. A key theme of their outputs focuses on the fashionable/unfashionable (depending where we are in the current epoch) theme of sustainability. However, Maslen and Mehra avoid a singular engagement with sustainable narratives (mostly based on the environment) and tackle the complexity of economic, social and environmental issues, the three pillars of sustainability, therefore inviting viewers to reflect on the global state of play and their complicatedness in it.

Through playful yet fearful reflections they show us our history and our possible/avoidable futures. This is most aptly presented in their latest work ‘Cash, Clash and Climate’ (2018) whose series of papier-mâché plates (based on global research of picture plates as historical mediums of communication) bring the viewer to ponder the bank bailouts and austerity (Cash); our continued journey to social justice though wider social movements (Clash); and the urgent issue of environmental protection (Climate) and their interconnected relationship – essential for survival of all.

Maslen & Mehra capture the essence of living and dying in the 21st century. With environmental issues rising on the global stage it is essential that the ‘three pillars’ not be lost. Maslen and Mehra’s continued dedication to this theme reminds us that climate action requires economic and social action. Their work is therefore urgent and essential for current and future captures of culture and practice communications.

Dr. Jo-Anne Bichard