
The images in this series were shot in Malaysia, Borneo and Australia in the summer of 2019. The idea was to experiment with the words by placing them in different, natural landscapes and document the resulting compositions. Some of the words are on mirror and reflect the environment around them as in our previous series, Mirrored others are hand-painted. 

Words such as CAPITALISM, NEOLIBERALISM, CORPORATISM, MATERIALISM, CONSUMERISM have been written in a graffiti style and seemingly merge with, but also stand out from, the natural environment in which they were placed. The work begs the question...Are these self-imposed structures in society contradictory to the well-being of life on this planet? Will these seemingly important systems end up as mere footnotes in the, until now, infinite history of Earth?

More graffiti, based on hashtags such as #systemschange, #transition, #climatejustice, #renewables, #carbonneutral,  #ecologicalrevolution, #circleeconomics make suggestions as to the radical changes that will be required to significantly alter our current trajectory towards catastrophic climate change. 

Conceptually, we are inverting the idea of graffiti in an urban context and taking it to unexpected natural settings. The work reflects the critical crossroads in which we now find ourselves. Will we continue to support fossil fuels with subsidies and new contracts or will we strive to divest from non-renewables? Will we drastically alter our societal structures and habits...capitalism, neoliberalism, consumerism, etc in order to slow rates of biodiversity loss and climate change? The world is divided. Which path will we follow? Will it be enough? This work aims to provoke thought and discussion.